November 16th, 2023
by Andrew Clark
by Andrew Clark

For the past three months, we have been taking a long look at what it means to be a member of a church, and specifically what membership means here at Anthem. We have two sermons left in this series (November 19 and November 26), and then we will enter into the season of Advent as a church.
We have not focused on membership just because, nor because we want it to be the primary focus of our church, nor do we want membership to be the thing we are known for as a community. From the beginning we have said, and still hold, that membership in a local church is a means to an end: it is a helpful tool that greatly helps us walk in the instruction, discipline, love, and life in Jesus. Membership aids us as we relate to one another, serve one another, love one another in truth, and invite people in to know and love God.
With this in mind, it is time for us to journey forward with renewed membership at Anthem. For those who desire to continue in membership at our church or take the step into our church family, here is the path forward.
We have not focused on membership just because, nor because we want it to be the primary focus of our church, nor do we want membership to be the thing we are known for as a community. From the beginning we have said, and still hold, that membership in a local church is a means to an end: it is a helpful tool that greatly helps us walk in the instruction, discipline, love, and life in Jesus. Membership aids us as we relate to one another, serve one another, love one another in truth, and invite people in to know and love God.
With this in mind, it is time for us to journey forward with renewed membership at Anthem. For those who desire to continue in membership at our church or take the step into our church family, here is the path forward.
For those who are currently members and would like to continue as members of Anthem Church, we are having a celebratory Member Meeting on Monday, November 27. All of us, including your pastors, will be re-signing the membership covenant. We will celebrate all the good God is doing in his church, we will share a good meal together, and we will pray that God would use this next season in great and mighty ways to build us up and to reach more people in Marin County with the love of Jesus.
For those who are not yet members but would like to become members, please visit our newly refreshed membership page for instruction, linked below. On this page you’ll find a summary of our convictions on membership (which should look familiar), a link to our membership covenant for your review, a link to start the membership process, and some additional resources if you are interested. It’s simple - all we want to do is help aspiring members understand and embrace what membership means at our church, and we have simplified the process to its purest form while still holding to our convictions as a church. If you have any questions about membership or anything related to the process, feel free to let us know below.
We pray and hope that God works greatly in this next season at Anthem Church as we walk with the God who loves us, gave his Son for us, and who fills us with his Spirit.
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