August 11th, 2022
by Andrew Clark
by Andrew Clark

Dear church,
I am thrilled to re-introduce the Prayer Room, which will be held in our sanctuary before our gatherings, starting at 9:25am. A bit of backstory and why this is a high value right now:
You may remember that a month or two before COVID, Pastor Allen began a time of prayer and worship before our gatherings. It was an opportunity for us to center our hearts for worship and to lift up the upcoming gathering (and the church as a whole) to the Lord in prayer. It was well-attended and clearly met a desire in the hearts of many of our members. Momentum was building, and then the pandemic changed everything.
It is my conviction that we prioritize prayer yet again during this pivotal season of transition for our church. Instead of re-inventing the wheel, we will be returning to this practice on Sundays. This is a good starting place for us; adding an intentional, determined time of prayer to our gatherings is just the small, yet powerful step back into corporate prayer that we need. Everyone is invited to participate. Even if you don’t have a volunteer role that morning, we invite you to join us as we lift up our church together.
Naturally, this will impact how we prepare for the gathering on Sunday mornings. Here are the main changes and some logistical points:
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me at
I am very excited to start this pursuit with you all. The Prayer Room opens this Sunday, August 14; we hope you will join us!
With love,
I am thrilled to re-introduce the Prayer Room, which will be held in our sanctuary before our gatherings, starting at 9:25am. A bit of backstory and why this is a high value right now:
You may remember that a month or two before COVID, Pastor Allen began a time of prayer and worship before our gatherings. It was an opportunity for us to center our hearts for worship and to lift up the upcoming gathering (and the church as a whole) to the Lord in prayer. It was well-attended and clearly met a desire in the hearts of many of our members. Momentum was building, and then the pandemic changed everything.
It is my conviction that we prioritize prayer yet again during this pivotal season of transition for our church. Instead of re-inventing the wheel, we will be returning to this practice on Sundays. This is a good starting place for us; adding an intentional, determined time of prayer to our gatherings is just the small, yet powerful step back into corporate prayer that we need. Everyone is invited to participate. Even if you don’t have a volunteer role that morning, we invite you to join us as we lift up our church together.
Naturally, this will impact how we prepare for the gathering on Sunday mornings. Here are the main changes and some logistical points:
- At 9:15am, everyone who has a speaking role in the gathering will perform a microphone check. This includes those reading scripture, making announcements, setting the table for communion, preaching, and reading the benediction.
- At 9:20am, I will lead a run-through of the gathering. Everyone involved in the gathering (worship team, all speaking roles, tech team, etc.) needs to be present. The run-through will begin right at 9:20; please be in the sanctuary ready to participate at this time. We won’t wait to start, and we won’t come into the lobby to get you :)
- At 9:25am, I will launch us into a time of prayer. We are going to focus our prayer on our church and on the gathering.
- At 9:40am, we will close our prayer, the doors to the sanctuary will open, and we will start the announcement loop and music.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me at
I am very excited to start this pursuit with you all. The Prayer Room opens this Sunday, August 14; we hope you will join us!
With love,
1 Comment
This is what we lack and I
am pathetic Ãn my prayer life.
I'm going to try to get there 2 Sundays a month,
Thanks for putting it together brother I